Solid Edge St5 Windows 10

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  1. Solid Edge St5 Windows 10 Pro
  2. How To Install Solid Edge St5 On Windows 10

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Download the Solid Edge Web Installer to your computer, and double-click on the file to begin the download and install process. If you have any trouble with your internet connection, you can restart the Solid Edge Web Installer. The Solid Edge Web Installer will automatically download the software, install the software, and activate your license. Solid Edge will install and run on these operating systems, but issues determined to be caused by an incompatibility between Solid Edge and an end-of-life operating system may not be fixed. Due to the potential for critical issues on these older operating systems, Solid Edge 2021 could be the last Solid Edge release that installs on Windows 7. Solid Edge is a portfolio of affordable, easy-to-use software tools that addresses all aspects of the product development process – 3D design, simulation, manufacturing, data management and more. Download one of our free products, or start a Solid Edge trial today! See all of our free options below.

End of Legal Notices

Release Notes:

The Solid Edge Mobile Viewer allows you to interactively view Solid Edge 3D Models and Drawings. This free application lets you view and share designs anywhere at any time on your Microsoft Surface device. The Solid Edge Mobile Viewer provides viewing tools that allows you to rotate, pan, and zoom using touch or mouse interactions. Solid Edge is a 3D CAD, parametric feature (history based) and synchronous technology solid modeling software. It runs on Microsoft Windows and provides solid modeling, assembly modelling and 2D orthographic view functionality for mechanical designers.

Product: Solid Edge
Date: 08-Nov-2012

Note: Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Version: or

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, unbundle the zip file and
then dbl click on exe to install the Maintenance Pack.

Windows 7 Installation tips: In addition to turning off UAC, right click on the exe
and select 'run as administrator' to complete the installation.

Windows 7 Tip: Most of the UAC security conflicts on Win7 can be avoided by installing
Solid Edge somewhere other than the default “Program Files” folder. Install in a location
like c:SolidEdge that the user has full permission to write to.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:

Solid Edge St5 Windows 10 Pro

SE Viewer/View & Markup

PR 6699703: Solid Edge Viewer and or V&M will not work using an account without administrator privileges
PR 1912893: You get a 'Failed to open document' message with Solid Edge Viewer if you are not administrator
PR 6755246: Warning message pops up when attempting to open Japanese files in V&M
PR 6755847: Cannot open this pcf file in V&M
PR 6755981: V&M cannot save this file as .pcf
PR 6761505: PCF files with double byte characters in file name cannot be opened by V&M
PR 6790006: Pre-ST3 pcf files prompt for password when opening in V&M
PR 2204400: Solid Edge files with double byte characters in file name cannot be opened by V&M
PR 6729766: Attempting to open a pcf file created in ST4 causes V&M to go into an infinite loop


PR 6780496: Clicking customize command results in docking pane flying out
PR 1911009: Customize -> Ribbon: Split Button & Drop Button doesn't work for macros
PR 2205091: Normal cutout (NormalToFaceCutOuts.Add) API fails
PR 2207742: NormalToFaceCutOuts.Add methd does not return the expected result


PR 1912542: Save As function for 3D PDF corrupts memory
PR 1912486: Relationships are still applied when Maintain Relationships is turned off
PR 6731912: Standard Parts is not accessible after undo during placement while IPA
PR 6739203: horizontal/vertical face relate does not allow keypoint selection in assembly
PR 6744240: Abort with the Transfer command
PR 6754673: Random abort in the Drag Component command
PR 6787689: Assembly Relationship tool crashes
PR 1914438: Empty Assembly takes is still 70MB
PR 6671120: When creating a pipe routes with Schedule 40 piping it will place a Schedule 10
PR 6726819: Mirror creates multiple occurrences when the target has multiple instances
PR 6781360: Crash while editing XpresRoute path
PR 1904399: Assembly hole feature will have the wrong diameter if profile is copy/pasted
PR 2207472: Captured fit lost on conversion to ST5


PR 6780184: Bring to Front and Send To Back no longer in Customize for Draft
PR 1909883: Icon wrong for user-defined plane when edited
PR 2167823: Save As PDF generates low resolution raster text
PR 2206141: When broken view is added, angular dimensions shows wrong value
PR 2206659: Draft aborts after applying 'Fit to Content' to the textbox
PR 6784794: It takes 20 seconds to switch sheets
PR 6787216: Precision of primary linear tolerance is resetting to 2 decimal places
PR 1916758: Reattached Center marks caused projection lines to disappear
PR 1913819: Smart Dimension directionally challenged when zoomed in
PR 1917507: Scale- primary caption will not be shown since ST4, regression against ST3
PR 6794152: Weld Symbols in color are printing in color when set to black.
PR 1914664: SEEC Save as 3D PDF corrupts subsequent draft auto generated 2D PDF files
PR 1916499: Crash after pasting into block view
PR 2203988: Starting point of dimension's projection line shifts

Part/Profile/Sheet Metal

PR 6785458: Disallow save of files after a crash based on a registry switch
PR 6778308: Cannot place a tapered thread feature
PR 1909877: Cannot move holes in example part placed on a cylinder using “A” Alignment
PR 1911799: problem with synchronous Inter-Part
PR 1912822: Pattern of holes on top of smaller cylindrical cutout creates invalid body
PR 6739275: Radial pattern of a cutout fails to place all occurrences
PR 6746461: Multiple faces highlight when multiple persisted relationships share a face
PR 6767601: open surface will not unite with a solid
PR 6779245: Opening an Inventor Assembly is opening all parts as Ordered
PR 1914930: 'M' key (to align to a midpoint) causes a difference in alignment
PR 6763967: Dimension edit in one direction with suspend Live Rules results in symmetric edit
PR 6776982: Dimension behaves as locked when first placed and conflicts with itself
PR 1915496: Edit fails because of relaxed dimension that should allow the change
PR 1915677: Part aborts placing male thread on chamfered cylinder
PR 6787757: Using undo twice causes face relationship to fail
PR 6789091: Removal of bend CPF constructions not happening correctly
PR 2206976: 3D measure command does not maintain the size and place of the results dialog
PR 6791469: In ST4 the user could create a flat pattern using the unbend in ST5 they can not
PR 6793940: Unable to select the construction body as a target body for subtract and split
PR 1917066: Assembly aborts using 3D Input Device from 3DConnexions


General Information

System Requirements

32-bit: Windows 7, Vista and XP Professional
64-bit: Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10
Solid Edge ST7, ST8, ST9, ST10, Solid Edge 2019 & Solid Edge 2020


  • Run the downloaded exe to install eDrawings for Solid Edge.
  • If Solid Edge is running during installation, the eDrawings toolbar does not appear. Restart Solid Edge to display the eDrawings toolbar.

Using eDrawings for Solid Edge

How to install solid edge st5 on windows 10
  • eDrawings for Solid Edge installs a tool bar in Solid Edge called eDrawings. An eDrawings menu item is also added in Applications > Add-Ins for Solid Edge Version ST7, ST8, ST9, ST10 Solid Edge 2019 & Solid Edge 2020.
  • The toolbar is visible only in Part, Assembly, Drafting, Weldment and Sheet Metal context.
  • Open a SolidEdge file in any of the above mentioned contexts. Click the Publish button in eDrawings toolbar to publish your Solid Edge model as an eDrawings file.
  • You can also publish by clicking on the eDrawings > Publish menu item

Release History

Release 11.0

  • Added support for Solid Edge 2019 and 2020.
  • Added support for eDrawings Viewer 2020.

Release 10.8

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST10.

Release 10.7

  • Added support for eDrawings Viewer 2017.

Release 10.6

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST9.

Release 10.5

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST8.
  • Support for eDrawings Viewer 2015 SP5.

Release 10.4

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST7.

Release 10.3

  • Support for Viewer 2014 SP0.
  • Batch options added to save Solid Edge files in eDrawings exe and ZIP.

Release 10.2

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST6.
  • Added support for eDrawings Viewer 2013 SP3.
  • Added support for 64-bit eDrawings Viewer.

Release 10.1

  • Added support for eDrawings Viewer 2013 SP1.

Release 10.0

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST5.
  • Added support for eDrawings Viewer 2013.

Release 9.0

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST4.
  • Added support for eDrawings Viewer 2012.

Release 8.0

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST3.
  • Added TIFF and PNG image format support for stamping option.
  • Added support for eDrawings Viewer 2011.

Release 7.2

  • Export Bill of Materials table to eDrawings assemblies.
  • eDrawings Viewer has been updated to eDrawings Viewer 2010 SP3.

Release 7.1

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST2.
  • eDrawings Viewer has been updated to eDrawings Viewer 2010 SP1.

Release 7.0

  • Added support for Solid Edge ST.

Release 6.1

  • Support extended for Solid Edge 64 bit.
  • Vista support is introduced for Solid Edge V20.

Release 6.0

  • Support for eDrawings 2008.
  • Added support for Solid Edge V20.

How To Install Solid Edge St5 On Windows 10

Release 5.1

  • Export Hidden Assembly components to eDrawings assembly file.
  • Support for multiple configurations.
  • Export shaded data with Detail and Sectional view in case of drafting.
  • Texture support.
  • Stamp an image in eDrawings file.
  • Check online for product Updates.

Release 5.0

  • Added support for Solid Edge V19.
  • Upgraded the eDrawings Viewer to eDrawings 2007.

Release 1.0

  • Added support for Solid Edge V16 & V15.
  • Added the ability to publish Sheet Metal documents.
  • Added the ability to publish Weldment documents.
  • Added API to export eDrawings.

Pre Release 1.0

  • You can Batch Publish your Solid Edge files in one go.
  • Secure your eDrawings models with password.
  • Options dialog to the GUI to configure Publish > Save options.
  • Support for Floating License.
  • Support for hole markers for measuring hole diameter.