Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium

When the Selenium test is run in a Windows Server docker container, the test fails with 'session deleted because of page crash'. When the Selenium test is run in a custom build.NET Framework oriented container in docker, the test executes successfully. You cannot run a Selenium test in a stock Windows Server container at this point. Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError: unknown error: session deleted because of page crash from tab crashed Finally, after spotting this comment we’ve reduced chrome window size from 1920,1200 to 1440,900 and the problem is no longer present. The goal is to share a personal experience with the implementation of Selenium and Azure Functions. But Selenium would crash every time the.

I am writing tests for my AngularJS application using protractor and jasmine.

  • Session deleted because of page crash - regenerate. Node JS in Windows; appium automation test cases on multiple android d. Jenkins Master Slave August (7) May (3) April (1) March (3) February (1) January (4) 2014 (19) December (8).
  • 1 selenium.WebDriverExceptionが起きたときの状況; 2 session deleted because of page crash from tab crasheを解消するためにしたこと. 2.1 クロームのバージョンを最新のバージョン(59)にした; 2.2 同時に開いていたエクセルのプログラムを閉じた; 2.3 クロームのブラウザを出来るだけ閉じた.

I am testing file upload case using the code below:


It works fine locally with the next packages:

But when I run this tests on GitLab CI, I get an error:

[chrome #01] F ✗ should upload the file[chrome #01] – Failed: unknown error: session deleted because of
page crash[chrome #01] from unknown error: cannot determine loading status[chrome #01] from tab crashed[chrome #01] (Session info: headless chrome=65.0.3325.181)[chrome #01] (Driver info: chromedriver=2.38.552522
4.13.5-coreos-r2 x86_64)

I am using ng-file-upload directive.

Thanks for your help!


Tags: session

Hello All,
Perhaps someone can help me figure out why the below is happening and fix it?
Given:Session deleted because of page crash selenium sulfide
  • All the below are on Windows 10 / Server 2012 R2
  • Selenium .Net (C#) tests (Selenium.WebDriver nuget v3.141.0, .Net Framework v4.8)
  • ChromeDriver 78.0.3904.70
  • Google Chrome Version 78.0.3904.97 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Tests run automatically by Azure DevOps Server (installed on-prem)

Seemingly randomly once every few hours (one out of every few dozens of tests runs)

ChromeDriver logs seem to show it freezing for ~70-90 seconds and then resuming. Please see log snippet quoted below.
Test-side (C#) driver class times out after 60 seconds of ChromeDriver inactivity and fails the test.
These 'freezes' occur at random times, in random parts of the test suite. Sometime following a ClickElement command, sometimes following a Navigate command.
Please note:
The line where the freeze occurs seems to always be similar to this:

[1580975930.724][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=265) 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'expression': '1'
C# timeout exception looks like this:
'OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException : The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL http://localhost:25890/session/8ae62a10147ba1c9c0bc8f0ae6e47eed/element/fbd0ddbd-c198-4aa8-b05a-8a1d40766d83/click timed out after 60 seconds.
----> System.Net.WebException : The operation has timed out'.
Stack trace:
at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.HttpCommandExecutor.MakeHttpRequest(HttpRequestInfo requestInfo)
at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.HttpCommandExecutor.Execute(Command commandToExecute)
at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.DriverServiceCommandExecutor.Execute(Command commandToExecute)
at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver.Execute(String driverCommandToExecute, Dictionary`2 parameters)
at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebElement.Execute(String commandToExecute, Dictionary`2 parameters)
at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebElement.Click()

Log snippet from ChromeDriver:
[1580975930.723][INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
[1580975930.723][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameScheduledNavigation 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'delay': 0,
'frameId': '3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72',
'reason': 'formSubmissionPost',
'url': 'https://site-under-test/some-page'
[1580975930.724][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameRequestedNavigation 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'frameId': '3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72',
'reason': 'formSubmissionPost',
'url': 'https://site-under-test/some-page'
[1580975930.724][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameStartedLoading 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'frameId': '3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72'
[1580975930.724][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameClearedScheduledNavigation 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'frameId': '3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72'
[1580975930.724][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=265) 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'expression': '1'
***** The line above is the one that freezes. Note timestamp *****

[1580976006.271][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Runtime.executionContextDestroyed 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'executionContextId': 5
[1580976006.271][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Runtime.executionContextsCleared 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
[1580976006.271][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameNavigated 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'frame': {
'id': '3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72',
'loaderId': '29E7B61049A044FA7CE34819B5BFA9B3',
'mimeType': 'text/html',
'securityOrigin': 'https://site-under-test',
'url': 'https://site-under-test/some-page'
[1580976006.271][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Runtime.executionContextCreated 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'context': {
'auxData': {
'frameId': '3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72',
'isDefault': true,
'type': 'default'
'id': 6,
'name': ',
'origin': 'https://site-under-test'
[1580976006.271][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: DOM.documentUpdated 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
[1580976006.271][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.getDocument (id=266) 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
[1580976006.272][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=265) 3DF35569FFFA4540EA485ED9C4383B72 {
'result': {
'description': '1',
'type': 'number',
'value': 1

Selenium Chrome Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash

How can I further investigate what the cause of the 'freeze' is and fix it?

Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Sulfide

Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Chrome
