Bloodroot In Tamil

  1. Bloodroot In Tamil Translation
  2. Bloodroot Meaning In Tamil
  3. Bloodroot In Toothmaul Gully

Bloodroot has a shining white eight-petalled cup-shaped flower with bright yellow stamens (male reproductive structures) in the centre. The 4- to 6-cm (2-inch) flower is borne on a 20-cm reddish stalk. A large veiny half-opened leaf enfolds the flower stem. After the flower has bloomed, the leaf opens into a much-lobed blue-green round form. Graviola, also known as soursop or Brazilian paw paw, is the fruit of the Annona muricata evergreen tree. Native to tropical areas of Central and South America, it serves a dietary supplement used.

Tamil Astrology- By the virtue of Authenticity

Tamil Astrology is a part of Vedic Astrology. Tamil Astrology is believed to be very accurate and effective. Through this article we will tell you all about Tamil Astrology, its benefits and how you can use Tamil astrology to improve your life. Check out what Tamil Astrology has to offer you now:

Tamil Astrology- Basic concept

Tamil Astrology is an Occult Science that tells us about that deep rooted connection between the celestial bodies and human beings. Since time immemorial people have been struggling to fathom the mysterious connection that exists between man and the heavenly bodies. But there is one thing that Tamil Astrology teaches us for sure- It teaches us that each one of us have been sent on this Earth for a specific task. Each task is designed specifically for every individual and it is not transferable. The Sun, Moon, galaxy of stars and planets impart energies and attach themselves to us through invisible cords. These magical cords act as communication transmitters. Tamil Astrology translates the message encoded by the celestial bodies. Thus by understanding Tamil Astrology, we will be able to fathom, if not all, some of the essence of the connection that prevails between us and the milky Way.

Tamil Astrology as a remedy for curiosity

One of the distinct characteristics of human beings is that we are very curious. Before any event is about to take place, we would want to know the outcome of it. Patience is an attribute we hope to acquire but in vain. Be it a cricket match or an exam, our level of expectancy and anticipation devours our ability to patiently wait for the result. Our life is like a movie, creator by our Creator and Director, God. Astrology is the script that contains the details of our role, and we of course are the actors. So in order to put up a good performance, we need to understand the script well. We need to be able to grasp its essence and connect it to our heart. Likewise, we need to understand Astrology. Now let us take you into the depth of Astrology.

Rasi Palan/ Rasi Palangal in Tamil Astrology

In Tamil Astrology, the sky is segmented into 12 parts. These 12 parts of the sky are called Zodiac Signs or Rasi in Astrology. Apart from whatever we have learnt about planets in Science, Astrology tells us how all the planets play a major role in moulding our life. According to Tamil Astrology, these Planets (Graha) exude energies that have an impact on our day to day lives. Tamil Astrology consists of Horoscopes/Rasi Palan or Rasi Palangal. Every individual has a Rasi Palan. These Rasi Palan tell us about about miscellaneous aspects of our lives. Rasi Palan tells us about our career, life partner, property, children, love, health, etc. According to Tamil Astrology, Rasi Palan or horoscope is a chart. This Chart tells us about how all the planets/ Grahas were placed at the time of our birth, or whenever we are about to do something. Surya, Chandra, Kuja (Mars) and all the other planets' position reflect on the impact that they will have on us.

Planets and Zodiac Signs in Tamil Astrology

Tamil Astrology has different names of planets. According to Tamil Astrology the Sun, which is the most powerful planet is called Surya. Astrology tells us that Surya symbolises serenity and wisdom. In Tamil Astrology, the mighty Surya governs Simmam (Leo) Rasi. The Moon in Tamil Astrology is called Chandra. This planet imparts feminine attributes. In Tamil Astrology it is the second planet. It governs over Kadagam (Cancer) Rasi. The third planet in Tamil Astrology is Kuja or Mars. This is a very significant Graha as it can have very influential impact on a person. They could be both negative and positive. Kadagam is a very fierce planet. In Tamil Astrology, it rules over Mesham (Aries) and Viruchigam ( Scorpio) Rasi. Mars has a major impact on males. The fourth Grah as per Tamil Astrology is Buddha or Mercury. Graha Budha is the closest planet to Surya and has the qualities of intellect, ferocity, fragility. This planet too has both negative and positive qualities. Buddha dominates over Midhunam Rasi ( Gemini) and Kanni (Virgo) Rasi. Buddha Graha is also known to impart education and knowledge. Planet Jupiter is called Guru is Tamil Astrology. As the name suggests, this Graha is the personification of Wisdom. It symbolises virtue and impartiality. Guru is powerful and decent in every way possible. It governs Dhanusu (Sagittarius) and Meenam Rasi.

According to Tamil Astrology Sukra or Venus is the fifth planet/ graha. Sukra dominates over Rishabam ( Taurus) and Thulaam ( Libra) Rasi. Graha Sukra signifies wealth and prosperity. But it is in constant tussle with Chandra and Surya. If Sukra gets along well with them the that person will be mightily blessed and if it doesn't then the concerned person's life will be ill- fated as per their horoscope/ Rasi palan. Sani/ Saturn is considered the most mysterious planet in Tamil Astrology. Sani always shares inimical relations with Chandra. It is a powerful planet but its composition makes it fearsome. Sani graha dominates over Magaram ( Capricorn) and Kumbam ( Aquarius) Rasi. According to Tamil Astrology Rahu is considered a negative planet. There are several stories that revolve around it. Astronomy does not take Rahu into consideration but Tamil Astrology does as it has malefic impact on individuals. No planet has been alotted to Rahu. Finally, the last planet in Tamil Astrology is Ketu ( South Node). This is again a shadowy planet. But Ketu shares characteristics similar to that of Kuja/ Mars hence it is not considered as malefic as Rahu. Ketu too has not been allotted any planet in Tamil Astrology.

Essence of Tamil Astrology

Tamil is one of the most ancient languages in India. As a matter of fact it is considered one of the oldest language in the world. Hence, there are crores of people who use it proudly as their mother tongue. The vastness of this ancient language brings in the importance of Astrology being more comprehensive in Tamil. Tamil Astrology has always been regarded for its accurate predictions. With the help of Tamil Astrology we are not merely enlightened about our future, but we can also carve out means for the betterment. Tamil Astrologers aim to promote prosperity in the world. Rather than confining this magnificent Occult Science to people who comprehend Tamil, we must spread the knowledge far and wide so that people may gain from it. Tamil Astrology is used by Astrologers for the welfare of mankind.

BACHELOR BUTTOND: Love. Also is called: Devils Flower, Red Campion.

BAKULI PODS: Difficult to find magick items also used in sachets and potpourri.

BALM OF GILEAD TEARS: Good for love, manifestations, protection, healing, de-stessing, and assisting in healing from the loss of a loved one. Use in love sachets; carry for healing, protection and mending a broken heart. Used to dress candles for any form of magickal healing. Burn to attract spirits. Also is called: Poplar Buds, Balsam Poplar, Balm of Gilead, Mecca, Mecca Balsam, Balessan, Bechan.

BALMONY: Steadfastness, patience, and perserverance. Associated with the tortoise or turtle. Also called: Hummingbird Tree, Bitter Herb, Snake Head, Turtle Bloom.

BALSAM: Strength and breaking up negativity.

BALSAM FIR NEEDLES: Balsam Fir or The Silver Fir is associated with the moon and with the planet Jupiter. This tree belongs to the triple aspect Goddess that are in Celtic lore, offering learning, choice and progress. The tree is sacred to many Goddesses. Silver Fir is also used for magic involving power, insight, progression, protection, change, feminine rebirth, and birth.

The wood chips or the needles are sometimes used as incense and it carries a sweet forest scent, there chips or needles can be burned right on charcoals or it can also be mixed with other herbs as an incense mixture.

Balsam/Silver Fir is the quintessential Yule tree. Its branches can be used as a decoration at Yule time, either as a wreath or as a garland, where it will provide protection for the entire household or its occupants and visitors.

BAMBOO: Hex breaking, wishes, luck and protection. Carve a wish into bamboo and bury it in a secluded area to make your wish come true. Carry a piece of bamboo for good luck.

BANANA: Is good for fertility, potency and prosperity.

BANYAN: Luck and Happiness.

BARBERRY: Cleansing, sorcery, atonement, freeing oneself from the power or control of another. Also called: Witches Sweets.

BARLEY: Healing, love, and protection. Harvests. Scatter on the ground to keep evil at bay. Tie barley straw around a rock and throw it into a river or lake while you are visualizing any pain you have to make the pain go away.

BASIL: This herb is good for love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy and protection. Dispels confusion, fears and weakness. Drives of hostile spirits. Associated with Candlemas. Carry to move forward in a positive manner despite perilous danger.

Strewn on the floors to provide protection from evil. Sprinkle an infusion of basil outside of the building where you hope to be employed for good luck in a job interview (be careful not to be seen!) or in your business to attract money and success.

Wear or carry to aid in attracting money and prosperity. Also called: Common Basil, Sweet Basil, St. Josephwort, St. Joseph's Wort, Tulsi, Tulasi, Krishnamul, Kala Tulasi, Witches Herb, Alabahaca, American Dittany.

Add Basil to money incense, put a pinch of this herb in the four corners of your home at the start of each season to bring prosperity your way. It is said that if you grow this herb in your garden, 'yell and scream at it, to make a strong plant.'

BAT HEAD ROOT: Used to obtain wishes.

BAY LAUREL: Purification, house and business blessing, and clearing confusion. Attracts romance. Keep potted plant to protect home from lightning. Place in a dream pillow for sound sleep and to induce prophetic dreams. Also called: Bay, Sweet Laurel, Sweet Bay, True Laurel, Lorbeer, Noble Laurel, Baie, Daphne.

BAY LEAF: Protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and psychic powers. Write wishes on the leaves and then burn the leaves to make the wishes come true. Or write a wish on a bay leaf with dragons blood ink for a powerful out come. Place under the pillow (or use in dream pillow) to induce inspiration and prophetic dreams. For the best power, do this with the full moon in 'Scorpio'. Place in the corner of each room in the house to protect all that dwell there. Carry bay leaf to protect yourself against black magick.

This herb is also used for clairvoyance. Burn the leaves to induce visions. Wear as an amulet to ward off negativity. Burn and scatter on the floor to purify the area (or on your alter).

BAYBERRY: This herb is good for, good fortune, luck, healing, and stress relief. Burn a white candle sprinkle with bayberry bark for good fortune and money.

Also called: American Vegetable Tallow Tree, Myrtle, Wax Myrtle, Candleberry, Candleberry Myrtle, Tallow Shrub, American Vegetable Wax, Vegetable Tallow, Waxberry, Berberry, and Pepperidge Bush.

BEDSTRAW (Fragrant): Used for love and lust.

BEECH: Wishes, happiness and divination. Improves literary skills. Place a leaf of beech between covers of Book of Shadows to increase inspiration.

BEET: Love, Beet juice can be used as ink for love magick or as a substitute for blood in spells and other rituals.

BELLADONNA: Healing and forgetting past loves. Provides protection when placed in a secret place in the home. Place on a ritual alter to honor the deities and add energy to rituals, (Note: do not ingest).

Also called: Banewort, Deadly Nightshade, Sorcerer's Berry, Whitch's Berry, Death's Herb, Devil's Cherries, Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry, Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Man's Cherries.

BENZOIN: Purification, prosperity, soothing tension, dispelling anger, diminishing irritability, relieving stress and anxiety, and overcoming depression. Promotes generosity and concentration. Good to burn while using the Tarot or for success in intellectual matters. Smoulder for purification. An incense of benzoin, cinnamon and basil is said to attract customers to your place of business. Also called: Storax, Snowbells, Gum Benzoin, Siam Benzoin, Siamese Benzoin, Benzoin Gum, Ben, Benjamen.

BERGAMOT: Money, prosperity, protection from evil and illness, improving memory, stopping interference, and promoting restful sleep. Carry in a sachet while gambling to draw luck and money. Very powerful for attracting success. Burn at any ritual to increase its power. Also is called: Orange Mint.

BETEL NUT: Protection and banishing.

BILBERRY BARK: Used for protection. Also called: Whortleberry, Black Whortles, Whinberry, Huckleberry, Bleaberry, Blueberry, Airelle.


BIRCH: Protection, exorcism and purification. A birch planted close to the home is said to protect against lightning, infertility, and the evil eye. Also called: White Birch, Canoe Birch, Paper Birch, Tree of Life, Lady of the Woods.

BISTORT: Is good for fertility, divination, clairvoyance, psychic powers. Carry in a sachet for fertility and concentration. Add to any herbal mixture to boost divination. Burn with frankincense during divination or to enhance psychic powers.

Carry in a yellow flannel bag to attract wealth and good fortune. Sprinkle an infusion of bistort around the home to drive out poltergeists. Also called: Bistort Root, or Dragonwort.

BLACK COHOSH: Love, courage, protection and potency. Use in love sachets or in the bath water to prevent impotence. Carry in your pocket or amulet for courage and/or strength. Sprinkle around a room to drive evil away. Add an infusion of the herb to bath water to ensure a long and happy life.

Burn as a love incense. Put in a purple flannel bag for protection for accidents and sudden death and to keep others from doing you wrong. Also it is called: Black Snake Root, Bugbane, Squawroot, Bugwort, Rattleroot, Rattleweed, Rattlesnake Root, Richweed.

BLACK HAW: Protection, gambling, luck, power and employment. Carry in the pocket while seeking employment, if you are having problems at work, or if you are asking for a raise. Also known as: Devil's Shoestring, Stagbush and American Sloe.

BLACK PEPPER: Good for banishing negativity, exorcism, and protection from evil.

BLACK SALT: Black Salt is used in banishing and in binding rituals. Great for bothersome neighbors. Magically used to remove negative energies of thought forms from items. This type of salt is often used to remove hexes and other harmful or negative energies.

Cleansing your magical implements in a bath of black salt and water, and then wash in a bath of sea salt to purify the items and allow in only positive energies.

A perfect ingredient for filling, binding poppets, for a powerful outcome. Place a black candle in a pile of black salt for Samhain Remembrance rituals, sprinkle on Ouiji Boards with Black Salt before using the board.

Bloodroot In Tamil

BEARBERRY LEAVES: Magical use; Use in amulets for animal magic, animal shapshifting. Burn these leaves like sage leaves to honor the Celtic Gods and Goddesses. Burn with meditation incense to heighten one's psychic powers.

Sprinkle powder leaves on shoes to take you to your true love. Wonderful little leaves for spellcrafting in candles, around candles on alter. These smell, sturdy, elongated leaves are up to approximately one inch long.

BLACKBERRY: Healing, protection and money. Sacred to Brighid. Leaves and berries said to attract wealth and healing.

BLADDERWRACK: Good for protection, sea spells, wind spells, money, psychic powers and attracting customers. Wear in a charm for protection during travel, especially when traveling by water. Also called: Kelp, Seawrack, Kelpware, Black-tang, Cutweed, Sea Oak, Sea Spirit.

BLESSED THISTLE: Purification, protection against negativity and evil, hex breaking. Carry for strength and for protection. Place a bowl of blessed thistle in a room to renew the vitality and strengthen the spirit of its occupants. Men who carry thistle become better lovers. Also known as: Holy Thistle, St. Benedict Thistle, Spotted Thistle, Cardin.

BLOODROOT: Love, protection, and purification. Steep in red wine for a full cycle of the moon to use as a 'Blood Offering', for spells that calls for this (Note. DO NOT DRINK THE WINE.)

Place in windows or doorways to keep curses and evil spirits out. A favorite root for use in voodoo to defeat hexes and spells that are aimed against you. Also called: Red Root, Red Indian Paint, Tetterwort, Blood Root, Indian Paint, Pauson, Red Paint Root, Red Puccoon, Sanguinariat.

BLOWBALL: Good for love and wishes. Carry in a red bag to grant wishes. Blow to the four directions when searching for love.

BLUE COHOSH: Empowerment, purification, money drawing, love breaking, and for driving evil away.

BLUE VIOLET: Love, inspiration, good fortune, and protection from all evil. Carried for protection and to encourage fortune and changed luck. Mixed with lavender to attract lust and love. Worn to calm tempers and bring sleep. Also called: Sweet Scented Violet.

BLUEBELL: This herb is great for luck, truth and friendship. Incorporate into rituals of death and dying to comfort those left behind and ease their sorrow. Also called: Culverkeys, Jacinth, Auld Man's Bell, Ring o' Bells, and Wood Bells.


BLUEBERRY: Protection, (Note. Though not recommended), blueberry is said to cause confusion and strife when tossed in the doorway or path of an enemy.

BONESET: Protection, exorcism and warding off evil spirits. Sprinkle an infusion of boneset around the home to rid it of evil and negativity. To curse an enemy, burn as an incense with a black candle inscribed with the name of the enemy. (Note. Not recommended, remember the Law of

Thees!). Also it is called: Feverwort, Agueweed, Crosswort, Eupatorium, Indian Sage, Sweating Plant, Teasel, Thoroughwort, and Vegetable Antimony.

Bloodroot In Tamil Translation

BORAGE: Courage and psychic powers. Float the flowers in a ritual bath to raise one's spirits. Carry or burn as an incense to increase courage and strength of character. Sprinkle an infusion of Borage around the house to ward off any evil.

Also called: Bee Bread, Starflower, Herb of Gladness, Bugloss, Burrage, and Cool Tankard.

BRAZIL NUT: Good luck in love affairs.

BREWERS YEAST: Used in facial mask potions.

BRIMSTONE: Dispels or prevents a hex on you; destroys an enemy's power over you. Burn at midnight near your back door to ward off evil. Also called: Sulfur Powder.

BROOM TOPS: Purification, wind spells, divination and protection. Sprinkle an infusion of broom tops around the home to clear away all evil. It is also called: Irish Broom, Scotch Broom, and Besom Broom.

BUCHU: Good for divination, wind spells, psychic powers and prophetic dreams. Add buchu leaves to bath water to enable yourself to foretell the future. Also called: Bucco, Agathosma Betulina, Bookoo, Bucku, Buku and also Bucco.

BUCKEYE: Divination, good luck, and attracting money and wealth. Carry whole anointed with money oil and/or wrapped in a dollar bill for constant increase in money flow. A popular Hoodoo charm for gamblers. Carry in pocket for protection against arthritis. Also called: Horse Chestnut.

BUCKTHORN: Sorceries, elf magick, and driving away enchantments. Used as a luck generator in legal matters and for winning in court. Place the branches of buckthorn near doors or windows to drive away evil and bad vibrations. To make a wish, stand in an open area facing east and concentrate on your wish; turn to your left until you are facing east again, continually sprinkling buckthorn bark powder (or an infusion made with buckthorn bark) as you turn. Also called: Arrowwood, Black Dogwood, Black Alder Dogwood, Black Alder Tree, and Persian Berries.

BUCKWHEAT: Money, protection, and fasting. Use in charms and spells to obtain treasure, riches, and wealth.

BURDOCK: Used for cleansing magick when feeling highly negative about oneself or others. Use in protection incenses and spells. Rinse with a decoction of burdock to remove negativity or negative feelings about yourself or others. Also called: Burr Seed, Clotbur, Bardana, Cocklebur, Hardock, Hareburr, Hurrburr, Turkey Burrseed, Fox's Clote, Happy Major, Lappa, Love Leaves. Personata, and Beggar's Buttons.

BURNET: Used for protection, consecration of ritual tools, and counter magick; also used to magickally treat depression and despondency. Also called: Italian Pimpernel, Salad Burnet, Greater Burnet.

BUTCHERS BROOM: Wind spells, divination, protection and psychic powers.

Bloodroot Meaning In Tamil

BUTTERBUR: Used for love, divination and to raise one's spirit by increasing sense of hope and faith. Also known as: Bog Rhubarb, Butterdock, Umbrella Plant, Lagwort, and Sweet Coltsfoot.


Bloodroot In Toothmaul Gully

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